Cough and Cold: What You Need to Know About the Common Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies


What Is Health?

Health can be defined as the state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not simply absence of disease or infirmity, according to the World Health Organization constitution.

People’s perceptions of health vary depending on their cultural and social environment and life goals, but research demonstrates that people tend to place high value on health and wellbeing.

Cough and cold disease

Most coughs and colds are caused by viruses, which antibiotics cannot treat. The symptoms tend to be mild and don’t require medical care; however, your GP may swab your child’s throat in order to look out for infections like Strep that could potentially worsen his or her condition.

Colds spread when people who are sick sneeze or cough, discharging virus particles into the air that settle on objects people touch such as cups or glasses they’ve used, or possibly tissues they have touched – when such surfaces come into contact with any part of their bodies they then get sick themselves, which in turn spreads the cold virus further. When those surfaces then come in contact with nose, eyes or mouth contact then that person gets infected by touching these surfaces directly and touching any part of themselves or then touch their nose, eyes or mouth then get sick themselves from its spread – or they get exposed from inhaling these viruses that then settle on objects people touch such as cups/glasses/tissues/etc… before touching themselves onto surfaces which then come into contact with peoples bodies… then colds are spread around.

Kids often catch multiple colds each year, which is the main cause for doctor visits and school absences. You can help prevent colds by washing hands often – particularly after handling raw foods or using the bathroom – as well as coughing into tissue rather than someone’s hand, and not sharing drink bottles, crockery or cutlery with anyone else.


Treatment in medicine and healthcare refers to procedures performed medically or surgically or other measures taken for the prevention or alleviation of disease or injury, or actions or behaviors of individuals that help improve health such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, not smoking and avoiding potentially unhealthy situations or activities.

Patients have access to various treatments depending on the condition being treated and their personal risk factors – often known as “determinants of health”, including income, education, employment, housing and social connections as well as behaviors like diet, exercise and sleeping patterns. Many nations and communities have created policies and programs aimed at improving population health such as workplace wellness programs, community-based health promotion and public health services that have proven both length and quality of life for populations worldwide.


Preventive health involves regular tests, screenings, and immunizations that can detect and treat diseases and conditions before they progress into serious problems. Most health insurance policies cover preventive services; participating can help save both money and effort over time.

Studies demonstrate the cost-effectiveness and savings generated from community-wide prevention strategies, which include those to address risk factors promoting youth substance use alongside interventions to strengthen protective factors; providing education and training on work-related skills as well as designing policies and workplace practices which support safety; as well as designing workplace policies which support safety.

Disease Prevention is often seen as separate from health promotion, although they overlap to an extent (see box below). Primary disease prevention aims at targeting those who appear healthy but may harbor subclinical disease, including screening tests such as Pap smears for cervical cancer, mammograms for breast cancer screening and prostate specific antigen testing for prostate cancer detection.

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